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Sunday, April 10, 2016

Days 9 and 10 of April Poem A Day

I missed posting yesterday due to an extremely busy day for a Friday. So here are Days 9 and !0. I appreciate the people who are sending me such positive energy with your comments. Thank you! 
I am continuing to write two poems a day and posting some of my other poems on World Poetry Open Mic.

Here are the next two poems:

April 9
Prompt: Write a poem about hiding or a hide out

Hiding in Plain Sight

We go around pretending our pain doesn’t exist
Some of us find a hiding place deep within 
the reaches of our souls
locked there by walls built strong
only one combination can open the door
this allows eyes to shine with smiles
when tears collect in the mind
and this place works most of the time
when events don’t conspire to 
whisper the combination and allow
the bolted door to open a crack
as memories pull out the sorrow
each one tugging at it a little more
until at last it has escaped
standing in front of me 
a prisoner no more 
and it romps through my settled life 
causing tears to drop and my heart to fracture
for the moment as it is realized
raw and raging and fully blown
until finally it is pushed back to it’s cage
shackled and contained and the door 
once more bolted on the agony inside
copyright 2016 by Barbara Ehrentreu

April 10
Prompt: Write about an emotion


Fizz, tiny bubbles in a glass of champagne
rolling through my body in an
unstoppable and unbearable stream
erupting as ecstasy in smiles and a furor
of unending delight so strong
the feeling causes my whole body to 
move up and down and suddenly I’m jumping
jumping into the air as the joy continues to 
pour out every time I think of the source 
of my happiness and it continues
for as long as my mind can focus on 
the delicious source of why I am placing
smiles upon my face so strong they almost cause pain
and why my feet can’t keep still and why 
I feel the urge to hug anyone I see
the news that created this excitement
creating more and more carbonation in my body
every time my thoughts arrive on this event
spreading throughout the day and coloring it
rosy and bright
copyright 2016 by Barbara Ehrentreu

Until the next time, which should be tomorrow. Lol
Hope you all had a great day and you are also writing at least a poem a day. Or if not writing your own at least reading the huge amount of excellent work being posted.

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