Here is the prompt for today: rebirth.
"I want you to write a poem of rebirth. There are many different types of rebirth available, including the changing of the seasons, the beginning of the day, religious or spiritual rebirth,....." (from Poetic Asides with Robert Brewer)
The earth lays brown
covered with ice and snow
until the sun’s rays melts them
awakens the sleeping seeds
dormant within the rich
humus to begin the process
a milligram at a time until
the delicate embryo
sprouts a tender green
stem and pushes hard
imagine how strong the
effort to spring forward
free in the sunshine!
The new green shoot
cracks through struggling
toward the lightRushing
from the womb
of Mother Earth to feel the
touch of first sunlight
upon the newborn leaves.
copyright 2009 by Barbara Ehrentreu
The earth lays brown
covered with ice and snow
until the sun’s rays melts them
awakens the sleeping seeds
dormant within the rich
humus to begin the process
a milligram at a time until
the delicate embryo
sprouts a tender green
stem and pushes hard
imagine how strong the
effort to spring forward
free in the sunshine!
The new green shoot
cracks through struggling
toward the lightRushing
from the womb
of Mother Earth to feel the
touch of first sunlight
upon the newborn leaves.
copyright 2009 by Barbara Ehrentreu
I can't believe that April only has ten more days to go! I hope that you have enjoyed reading my poems and I encourage all of you to please write at least one poem and send it to me. I will post any that I receive. If you leave them in the comments I will put them all on the blog on April 30th, which is Poem in Your Pocket Day. You are supposed to bring a poem in your pocket and put it in someone else's pocket without them knowing it. :) It's kind of a surprise for your pocket.:) You print out your favorite poem and give it to someone or many someones during the day. It sounds like so much fun!!!
So I've just decided to have a contest of sorts. By April 30th I'll have posted thirty poems. I would love to know which one is your favorite. I'll send it around Facebook, but please let me know which poem you liked the most. I will post the one that has the most votes too!! More about this later in the week.:)

Our guest author for this week is John Wayne Cargile, who is an award winning newspaper writer and the author of the new novel: The Cry of the Cuckoos. He will be here Thursday, April 23rd and Friday, April 24th to answer your questions and comments. Anyone who posts a question or a comment will be in the drawing to receive Mr. Cargile's e-Book free if you are the winner of the drawing. :) This book is very timely, since it addresses right wing fundamentalist organizations. Save the date and drop by for this very unusual interview.:) On his website he has a few reviews of this book and his bio. It seems to me he has led a very interesting life, since he spent some time in the FBI. ( For the "24" fans) I'm looking forward to his being here.
Until the next time. Welcome to my new reader! Thank you to my older readers. Please start letting me know your favorite poem of all the ones I've posted here. Whoever gets the same poem as I picked will get a prize.:)
Earth Day is coming on Wednesday. I will be posting about it here for that day. Remember to try to observe it in any green way that you can.:) If you click on the badge here you will be taken to the website for Earth Day.
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