This is the day of my first radio show and I'm very excited!! The authors who are going to be my guests have graciously announced the show and their interviews on their own websites and it is really going to happen.:)
I hope a lot of you will tune in at 2PM Central time to hear the show, Red River Writers Live Tales from the Pages. The show is going to explore short story writing with published authors of short stories and I thought it would be fun to see the other side of publishing, from the editor and publisher's side. So my first two guests are: Penny Ehrenkranz and Virginia S. Grenier. I have interviewed Penny on this blog already, but although Virginia is a friend, and I love Stories for Children, the magazine she founded online for children, I don't know enough about her. I will be looking forward to learning more about Penny and it will be fun to peek inside the thoughts of an editor and publisher, Virginia.
There is a widget here you can use to listen live to the program or you can go to the webpage and call into the show. Lori Calabrese, also a multi - published author, will be my co-host.
Also, right after the show is over, I am going to go see the live tour of So You Think You Can Dance. It's in New Jersey, so because of traffic we have to leave at least three hours earlier. The show will end somewhere between 3:15PM Central and 3:30PM Central so it's cutting it very close. George Washington Bridge traffic could make you wait for an hour if it's thick and tomorrow is still going to be a day when there is gridlock in Manhattan. We have to go through Manhattan and over the bridge to get to New Jersey. But as you can see, I have two huge things to do tomorrow.
I hope to hear from some of you tomorrow and if you tune in you will be able to hear how I sound.:) Don't be worried if you can't make it at the live time. The show will be on podcast at whatever time you can tune in to hear it. I am doing that right now with an earlier show of one of the hosts, Barbara Hodges. She's got a great show too.:)
Still unable to get to my review of Evil Angel. Hope to finish it before the weekend. That is if my life allows it.:) Until the next time thank you to any new readers and my warmest thanks to those of you who continue to follow my meanderings.
I hope you all had a chance to hear my radio show, which aired Thursday afternoon and had two of the sweetest and greatest guests, Penny Ehrenkranz and Virginia S. Grenier. If you didn't get a chance then click on the widget for Red River Writers and you can hear a podcast. If you write short stories or articles and are interested in getting them published you will want to listen to this show. Plus you can hear how I sound.:)