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Saturday, November 29, 2014

I'm a NaNo Winner!!!!!

If you had told me in May that I would do NaNo this year and win I would have told you that I could never accomplish this now. But somehow I have done it!!! I got to over 50,000 words on the sequel to If I Could Be Like Jennifer Taylor, "Jennifer's Story". Is it finished? No, but at least I have the skeleton and that can be changed with revision. I will put it away for a month or so and look at it again, But at least it is a finished manuscript and I am so excited that I am a Winner. I even changed all my profile pictures. At least for a few days. 

So that's it. Just wanted to get on here and post my certificate for my followers. I will be having more guest authors and will be writing more posts now. But winning NaNo is a big accomplishment for me. It is like standing on the top of Mt. Everest for a writer. 

I have been on the radio a couple of times this month, once with my show, Red River Radio Tales from the Pages and again on Dellani Oakes' show, What's Write for Me. I hope you will listen to both of them.

Until the next time, hope all of you had a Happy Thanksgiving. My daughters and I spent it together and we had a great meal. Here is a photo of it. My daughter took it, because all I wanted to do after cooking for eight hours was eat! We made all of it and I even did the cranberry sauce on bottom of the photo. As I said on my radio show a few years ago, it doesn't matter how many people you have to your dinner. it should always be the same size. Just make more food, though we could have had three or four more people there. 


  1. Congrats, Barbara. I finished the challenge as well. It may not be pretty, but it's a full storyline. That's what counts and if's the right length. Can't wait to see what you came up with.

  2. Congratulations Barbara - as one who has been down this trail several times I know that feeling of exhilaration ! Bravo! Extra kudos to you as you actually have a manuscript of the sequel you've been contemplating !


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