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Sunday, April 6, 2014

April Poem A Day - Day 6

I can't believe it is already Day 6 of PAD and I am enjoying this very much. This year I really need this outlet, because so much is happening in my life that is making me very unhinged.:) However, there is always poetry and it is keeping me calm. This is also posted on Poetic Asides. You can see many great poems there too.

April 6, 2014
Prompt: Write a poem about Night

Night is My Place
The night is my place
quiet so you can hear the
freezer churning as it works
making ice cubes
Night is a blank canvas where words
swirl and find their way to
the screen as time ticks
and life occurs outside my windows
as I savor the emptiness
of no interruptions and peace
Night is my place for me
I dance in the void and
savor the simple essence
of myself while others sleep
my wayward mind weaves
thoughts into verses and prose
copyright 2014 by Barbara Ehrentreu


  1. Night is the quiet time when all our minds seem to be awake.

  2. As you can see I totally agree with you:)


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