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Saturday, December 17, 2011

Sharing my joy!!!

This is going to be a very short post, but I had to let everyone know the joy I feel reading words like these. This reader has written a glowing review already, but still she continues to post these beautiful words. I had to share them with everyone here.

"I read Barbara's book early on and honestly, one always feels a little trepidation when an author is "known"... Mhmm what if I didn't 'like it?' I "know" Barbara's writing as we all do, as a poet and some as a blogger but I really did not know her fiction writing. I read the first page fell in love with her main character Carolyn Samuels and my interest never flagged and continues beyond the last page. Great characters, terrific 'coming-of-age issues ... no gratuitious salaciousness - simply a wonderful book as I've said I would and have recommended it to anyone who is a girl, was a girl or likes girls! My husband even enjoyed! So another testimonial for Barbara's excellent YA novel - it is no surprise to me that it has been honored."    

Pearl Ketover Krilik
Pearl is the editor of the anthology, Prompted: An International Anthology of Poems by my poetry writing group, The Anthologists. Pearl is also a psychologist and an amazing poet. As the editor of this anthology she maneuvered the group through treacherous waters as we came together and managed to create this beautiful volume. it is a truly collaborative effort of us 40 poets and I have three poems in it. Pearl has poems in it as well and her poetry is unique and flowing. She kept us together and bridged the gap between publisher and writers. She is my number one fan and I am hers.

My post on DowntownYA today says it all, but once again these words made me cry! So here they are on my blog for all my readers here to see. I would paste them in 48 inch font in Amazon and Barnes and Noble if I could!!! But for now this will have to do.

Please continue to leave comments on Book Launch Party for C.K.Volnek's A Horse Called Trouble, and The Holidays Are Coming. On Monday, my guest will be Michelle Pickett who will be talking about her soon-to-be-published book by MuseItUp Publishing, Concilium. Drop by and leave a comment to welcome her. Have a great rest of the weekend.


  1. Barbara, this was simply lovely. I'm not surprised at your writeup by Pearl Girl, because she has a keen eye and ear for good verse. You are an extremely talented poet, and I'm glad I met you on my own meanderings. So pleased to be in the Anthology with you as well!

    Peace, Amy

  2. Dear Barbara .... You are so gracious and is no wonder your book is such a great read. This psychoanalyst/poet/writer will set all of those hats aside and offer a simple and heart-felt thank you for your support and the stunning kindness of your words of appreciation. My mother might have named me pearl but it is you who are the gem.

    Thank you

  3. Amy, thank you so much! I'm so glad we met too! I love your poetry as well and the whole experience is very uplifting! Hope your tour is going well.

  4. Pearl, thank you again!! I'm rubber you're glue and everything you say goes right back to you!!! I meant every word and believe that this is probably the most praise I have ever gotten in my life.

  5. Barbara- How sweet of you to honor Pearl like this.


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