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Monday, January 13, 2014

Book Spotlight: Will You Be My Friend by Kim Heaton Ramsay

I know I haven't been posting for over a month now, but circumstances in my life have prevented me from getting on the computer and only now it seems my life has settled down. My husband, who if you are a follower of this blog you know has had many health issues, needed to go to different doctor appointments and also my life was busy with getting ready for the holidays. Also, I had my own health scare and that needed constant attention for the entire month of December. I had to undergo several tests including a PET Scan and a Colonoscopy to make sure I was okay. I can now say that they found nothing at all and so I could relax. Or so I thought. On New Year's Eve day my husband felt awful and soon he had trouble breathing and moving around. He was coughing constantly and we got used to it, because he needed to cough. However, this time he was very lethargic and we called 911 to get an ambulance for him. He wound up staying in the hospital through the entire holiday and came home this Wednesday. However, that night he was back in the ER and then they sent him home. But the next day he was unable to make it to the car even with a walker, so he lay down on the parking lot floor. I had to call 911 again and thank goodness he was released in about an hour. It has only been today that he has felt much better and he seems to be recuperating. The whole pneumonia bout took so much out of him. Anyway, that is the reason why I wasn't posting like I usually do.

Today I am doing a Book Spotlight for a very cute picture book called, Will You Be My Friend by author, Kim Heaton Ramsay. She is a new author and this is her first picture book. I hope you will check it out if you have any little ones. Here is more about it:

Will You Be My Friend
                            by Kim Heaton Ramsay

  • Print Length: 16 pages
  • Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
  • Publisher: AuthorHouse (December 11, 2012) 
  • Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc.
  • Language: English
  • ASIN: B00AQSBZ14

Marley Mouse wants to make some new friends. During Marley’s search she meets four kind creatures who are very different from her. Sweet Marley offers her friendship to each of them despite their differences and has lots of fun with her new friends.


Kim Heaton Ramsay works in healthcare and has spent her career helping people. Will You Be My Friend? is Kim’s first illustrated children’s book. She lives near Fort Worth, Texas with her husband, to whom she has been married for 27 years. Kim has two grown children, a son and a daughter.

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To enter the drawing for a $25 Amazon gift card go to the website above. If you have trouble let me know in the comments and I will give you the correct one. Right now this is all I have. 

Until the next time, I hope you are having a better 2014 than I am.:) I am hoping things will be looking up soon. Also, of course, I have my new YA novel, When My Life Changed coming out this summer or fall. I will be talking more about this as it progresses.
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