Happy Memorial Day to everyone. I want to express my gratitude to the thousands of members of the Armed Forces who are still involved in fights I did not want to see happen. Your grace and your courage have kept us safe and I hope and pray that next year on Memorial Day we will not be involved in any international conflicts.
Also, I want to express my sorrow for the thousands of members of the armed forces who lost their lives fighting in conflicts I didn't want to see happen. You gave your lives for us and I am deeply sorry for the loss of you to your families and friends. I honor your service and hope that we do not keep adding to the relentless toll that has stolen our young people from their lives.
Our country needs to have Peace!!! Let us all pray that we get it so we can continue to evolve as a true democracy and world leader.
Now for something completely different.
The winner of the free drawing for Beth Reinke's Carla's Cloud Catastrophe is:
Karen Cote !!!!
Your name has been given to Beth and y0u will be getting your book soon. Beth will contact you to get your address.
Here is the new logo for MuseItYoung, which is the division in which my book will be published. I am so excited to have this beautiful image on my book cover.
Until the next time thank you to my new followers and of course, thank you to the people who continue to follow me and read this blog even when I don't post any new content. Sorry for that, but my life has been way too hectic to post like I should have. This is being remedied, because June 3rd please come back and enjoy the interview I will have with Nancy Bell, editor extraodinaire from MuseItUp Publishing. She has a new book, Laurel's Miracle, coming out soon and she will be talking about that and what it was like to be my editor.:) Also Nancy will be joining me for my October show on Blog Talk Radio, RRWL Tales from the Pages.
Throughout the rest of June, July, August and September I will be interviewing some great authors from MuseItUp and also various other places. Plus, each month my show is on the 4th Thursday of every month. This June show I will have on Beth Reinke, my latest guest author here on the blog to talk about her experiences and Salvatore Buttaci, who is a friend of mine from Poetic Asides and who also writes short stories. He will be sharing his stories with us. So please don't forget to tune in on Thursday, June 23rd at 3PM Central, 4PMEST. If you heard the last show you got a little taste of Sal. He will be sharing his poetry too, which is absolutely beautiful!